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Object Impact Magazine

This project was developed as part of an Editorial Design Class. The content is 99% original where the written copy is 100% researched and written to be original and the vast majority of visual images are either altered, photographed or composited by me.

About The Project

This magazine is a discourse about the history of an interesting object. As a hypothetical magazine series the theme can be summarized as the story of an object “from the invention to the shadows that remain...” While there are many inventions that may at one point be featured this particular magazine issue is about the history of the typewriter and its impacts on the modern world.

All written and visual content is 99% authentic, researched, composited and written by myself as part of this semester long project.  

Furthermore the design of the magazine issue is centered on the identity and elements of a typewriter thus giving the reader the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in this fascinating object as they read the content.

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