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Book Cover Re-design

In this project I attempt to re-design the covers to two of Agatha Christie's novels; And Then There Were None and Crooked House as well as develop a set of collectable stamps to go with the book cover designs.

Book Covers Concept 

The illustration style for the book covers is developed based on the time the majority of Agatha Christie's books are set in. This blocky illustration style is flat but permits the creation of dimension and depth while at the same time allows me to hide hints to the plot of the novels within the illustration itself. Furthermore this illustration style and concept of hiding a hint within the cover itself fits very well and remains flexible to accommodate the other detective novels written by Agatha Christie.

There is a Glowing Hint!

Stamps Concept 

The stamp design is illustrated in a similar style to the covers yet it focusses on commemorating the author. 


The hand of the author (Agatha Christie) writes the iconic signature which appears on all of the novel covers regardless of their re-design over decades. That is the best way to commemorate Agatha Christie's career as a mystery writer as she herself is in part a mystery since her novels influenced many generations. Most reading enthusiasts can recognize her novels by the signature on them first and then the title written on the cover.

Furthermore, the hint concept is further strengthened through the aspect of a glow in the dark print on layer of the cover. This allows the hint intended to glow and actually be revealed to the reader... Well that is if they look at the book in the dark! This interactive element for the reader is a valuable hook to entice the reader to read into the plot of the novel to uncover its significance to the mystery hidden within the pages by Agatha Christie.


Due to the unique concept of the covers and the plot integrated illustrations these book covers as a series may generate a collectable value among avid readers of mystery novels.

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