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This is a project that explores car decaling and navigation app design in terms
of a mock-up Car-To-Go brand. 



To create and design a brand identity
for the Calgary based car2go service.
Based on our identity we are to design a logo, word mark, car decaling, and an app.


For the Car2Go project we designed a brand called VenTour, composed of the key goals of the brand the brand name stands for: “Venture for fun or Tour with purpose”. The identity of our brand reflects the maneuverability of the Car2Go services that
we offer. The main service being the smart GPS which allows users to enter their own destinations or pick from the existing lists of locations categorized as Venture for fun or Tour with purpose.


The design of our logo as a simple vector, alludes to a road marking the path to a destination on a GPS map. This logo represents the “venture for fun” aspect of our design through the curved format of the ‘V’ and transitions into the sharp ‘T’ to represent the “tour with purpose” aspect of our brand. Furthermore, the wordmark
of our brand mimics the road alluding to the concept of traveling from point A to point B.


The car decaling for our brand is simple and extends the concept of our logo to a greater scale. The simplicity of the design and the high contrast are intended to ensure that the car is immediately recognized when seen on the busy city streets.
The decaling design encircles the entire vehicle to represent the functionality of the main concept and goal of our brand. “Venture for fun” represented by the smooth curves and transitions of the red line and the “tour with purpose” represented by
the straight linear lines. The top part of the car descaling resembles an arrow pointing to the front of the vehicle representing the forward motion/view of the VenTour brand.


The App design for VenTour focuses on one of the main goals of the brand, which
is to make navigation within the city limits simple and efficient so that the users can explore to their heart’s content. The simple, clear, and user-friendly interface is flexible to give the user full autonomy with what they want to do and where they want to go. Thus, the app has both a manual address line input by the user and the suggestion lists for user convenience.

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