Spotify - Your Daily Drive Advertisement
This is a team project centered around the creation of appropriate and catchy advertising suitable for the Spotify's Your Daily Drive concept. This project consists of an appropriate billboard ad and a video advertisement.

As a group create a billboard add and a video spot to advertise the versatility of Spotify's Your Daily Drive Campaign.
For this project the team is:
Anna Balabanova (myself)
Aron Marko
Justin Poovong
Spotify is a global media and culture powerhouse, delivering music and media to a brand new generation of listeners. Their listening platform has taken over the world but that reach hasn’t extended inside the car to the extent that it has outside of it. With the release of Your Daily Drive, Spotify has given listeners customized playlist filled with music, podcasts, and news in an attempt to compete with traditional in-car listening platforms like radio and CD. Our job is to promote this new offering, giving listeners a better, more personalized driving experience whether that be to work, to play, or just to get away.
Radio and CD’s are going the way of the cassette and the Dodo bird — as Darwin said, things have evolved. Our lives are more personal than ever before, we have the ability to choose the things that make us happy. Our Daily Drive is tailored to every individual in a way radio could never be. Think about the car itself: we can choose the color, the quirky seat covers, what kind of bobblehead is stuck to the dash, and a plethora of other things. Why stick to choosing between five radio stations and the 6 CD’s in your changer when you could have a completely personalized, ever-changing collection of your favorite music, podcasts, and breaking news? Now, more than ever before, a car isn’t just a something that gets you from point A to B. Just like music, the car has become an escape.